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Vice Mayor Hampton Endorses Gordo in Mayoral Race

Hampton Backs Councilmember Victor Gordo for Mayor

Published on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 | 1:28 pm
Vice Mayor Tyron Hampton (l) and Mayoral Candidate Victor Gordo (r).jpg

Mayoral candidate Victor Gordo announced on Tuesday that he has secured the endorsement of Vice Mayor Tyron Hampton.

“Like me, Victor Gordo is a lifelong resident of Pasadena. He knows every part of the city, and shares my commitment to looking out for the best interests of all of our residents,” Hampton said in a statement on Tuesday.

Hampton said Gordo’s commitment to local residents was evident in the early days of the current health and economic crisis attributed to COVID-19.

“Victor and I were the most forceful voices advocating for the health and safety of our vulnerable seniors and the food-vulnerable children in our community” according to the statement issued by Hampton. “Victor’s efforts to bring transparency and accountability to all members of city government, including the City Council itself, will be essential to restoring our civic health.

“Along with myself and my family, I invite you to join us in voting for Victor Gordo for Mayor.”

Gordo is squaring off against incumbent Mayor Terry Tonek in the Nov.3 election. He has also picked up endorsements from Councilmember Steve Madison, Councilmember-elect Felicia Williams, former Pasadena Mayors Bill Bogaard, Bill Paparian and Bill Thomsom, former Pasadena Police Chief Bernard Melekian, and former Pasadena Unified School District Superintendent Vera Vignes

In the March Primary, Gordo finished first with more than 46 percent of the vote, defeating the incumbent and two challengers.

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