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Video: A Woman’s Place…

Published on Monday, July 28, 2014 | 1:15 pm

This sermon was delivered by Rev. Susan Russell, Senior Associate, Communication, Incorporation & Growth, and Inclusion, All Saints Church, Pasadena on Sunday, July 27, 2014. A life-long Episcopalian, Susan is All Saints Church’s Senior Associate for Communication. Working with members of the communication department staff and parish volunteers, her portfolio includes all of All Saints’ print, media, video, digital and social media communication.

Active in LGBT and women’s issues, Susan served as president of Integrity USA, is currently convener of “Claiming the Blessing,”is a member of the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) Religion Council and chairs the Bishop’s Commission on LGBT Ministry for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. She is also a member of the National Clergy Advisory Board for Planned Parenthood and the Task Force for the Study of Marriage for the Episcopal Church.

A Los Angeles native she came to All Saints Church in August 2002. Her family includes her partner, Lori, two grown sons, three dogs and and four (yes, four!) cats. She is an ENFJ, a second soprano and a second-generation Los Angeles Dodger fan.

All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, (626) 796-1172 or visit

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