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Pasadena Host Lions Club to Host the 82nd Annual Student Speaker Contest

Published on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 | 8:20 pm

Photo taken from previous year's Student Speaker Contest

The Pasadena Host Lions Club will host the 82nd Annual Student Speaker Contest on Tuesday, February 12 at 6:00 p.m. The contest will be held at The Salvation Army Tabernacle inside Fellowship Hall at 960 E. Walnut Street in Pasadena.
This year’s topic is Freedom of the Press: What does it mean? Join the future leaders of America as they compete in rhetoric for a cash prize. This multi-level contest will continue into the Spring and the overall winner receives $21,000.00 US dollars in scholarship money to be used in college, trade, or technical school after high school graduation.
The purpose of the contest is providing an opportunity for competitive public speaking among students on a subject of vital interest to the American people. The Lions Clubs encourage self-expression and independent thinking; therefore, it is important to present to the public, through the student speakers contest, the problems surrounding the maintenance of this country as a free nation and to consider the means at our disposal of solving world problems.
In support, Pasadena Councilmember Andy Wilson of District 7 will be a judge, as well as Eremita Miranda, the Education Chair of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Nicholas Everett, Attorney at Primuth, Driskell & Terzian, LLP, in addition to Kurt Graf of National Geographic Learning.
For information contact, Lion Kerstin Brucki at (213) 410-6130 or email

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