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Pasadena Ready to “Jump Into Census”

Published on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | 1:10 pm

The City of Pasadena invites residents to “Jump Into Census” Saturday, March 7, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Villa-Parke Community Center, 363 East Villa Street. Residents will be able to get answers to their questions about the upcoming census count while enjoying live entertainment, crafts, games, and giveaways. The first 150 visitors to the City’s census table will score a ticket to receive a free lunch from the on-site Pie‘n Burger food truck. Residents will also get a sneak peek at the City’s summer programming—including day camps, aquatics, and summer reading—at this free family event.

“We hope events like Jump Into Census encourage residents to complete their census questionnaire. Our city loses money for each person that doesn’t respond to the census. That means less money to support programs our residents depend on every day. An undercount will also threaten our Congressional representation. This opportunity only comes along once every 10 years, so we’re doing everything we can to make sure every single resident is counted,” said Mayor Terry Tornek.

Pasadena residents—both citizens and non-citizens—are required to respond to the 2020 census. Responses will be used to determine the annual distribution of over $675 billion in federal support for vital community services, including schools; daycare programs; nutrition, housing and disability assistance; Medi-Cal; job training; emergency response; and public transit. Data collected from this year’s census count will also determine the number of representatives California gets in Congress.

In mid-March, Pasadena households will begin receiving invitations in their mailboxes from the U.S. Census Bureau to respond to the 2020 census questionnaire. Responses can be submitted online, over the phone, or by mail. On average, it takes no more than 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Responses are confidential and protected by federal law; they cannot be shared with law enforcement, courts, or any other government agency. Visit for information on how to complete the 2020 census questionnaire.

In addition to Jump Into Census, the City is hosting the following family-friendly census events in March and April:

• Community Census Fair | Saturday, March 14, noon-3 p.m. | Community Arms Apartments, 151 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
• Census Block Party | Saturday, March 21, 2-6 p.m. | Boys & Girls Club, 2020 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
• Community Census Fair | Saturday, March 28, noon-3 p.m. | Kings Villages Apartments, 1141 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
• Breakfast with the Census | Wednesday, April 1, 9-11 a.m. | Jackie Robinson Community Center, 1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
• Breakfast with the Census | Wednesday, April 1, 10 a.m.-noon | Villa-Parke, 363 E. Villa St.
• Kinder Counts! | Saturday, April 18, 9 a.m.-noon | Madison Elementary School, 515 E. Ashtabula St.
• Dia Del Niño | Wednesday, April 29, 3:30–5:30 p.m. | La Pintoresca Branch Library and Park, 1355 N. Raymond Ave.

For more information about the 2020 census, Jump Into Census, or any of the other events listed above, visit or call (626) 744-7311.

Stay connected to the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at; follow us on Twitter at @PasadenaGov, and Instagram and Facebook at @CityOfPasadena; or call the Citizen Service Center, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 744-7311.






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