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The Rotary Club of Pasadena Says Have a Heart this Valentine's Day

Published on Thursday, February 7, 2019 | 5:03 pm

Not all Valentine’s Day stories are about two hearts intertwined by love. This is a love story between our community and one half a world away. It does not involve paper hearts, chocolate or flowers. It is about the race to save the lives of infants and children who need surgeries to repair congenital heart defects. This is a story about the love, compassion and humanity shown by so many Pasadena Rotarians towards those who need one’s help to live.
Through a unique grant process, Rotarians in the community have found a way to deliver a Valentine’s Day gift of life for only $88.00. They have made it possible for everyone to consider deferring that prix fix Valentine’s Day dinner out, that overpriced bouquet of flowers or box of heart-shaped candies to fund surgeries to repair damaged hearts of children who cannot afford the immediate medical care they so desperately need.
According to the recent statistics, in India every hour about 20 children are born with heart defects and about 5% of those children die within a month due to lack of proper treatment. Recent data suggest that nearly 12,000 children with heart defects are waiting for surgery in Tamil Nadu, India (DHS Data 2016.)
In 2017, Rotary Club of Pasadena put together a program called “Caring Little Hearts” and raised $19,000 in five minutes at one of their meetings! This together with funds from Madras South Rotary Club and Rotary International Foundation, the Ford Foundation in Chennai, India and others made the first 225 heart surgeries possible.
Now Pasadena Rotary is asking our community to help fund 200 or more surgeries and has raised over $10,000 toward the goal of $23,500. This will enable Pasadena Rotary and Madras South Rotary Clubs to again seek a Global Grant from Rotary International Foundation.
To save the life of a child and give that child a chance for a future is priceless! Make that special Valentine’s Day gift this year by not just buying a paper heart. A donation of only $88.00 made to will mend a heart a half a world away. Can you think of a better gift for that modest cost?
The Pasadena Rotary Club has over 200 members that meet weekly at the University Club of Pasadena dedicated to contributing to the well-being and growth of the community, region, and world. Initiatives include Happy Feet (providing shoes at the start of a school year for PUSD elementary school students); Adopt-A-School; Dan Stove Music Contest; 4-way Speech Contest; Community Grants; Done In A Day; Toy Drive; RYLA -Teen Leadership; Project Corazon Super Build; and Teachers of Excellence to name a few. To find out more information on the Rotary Club of Pasadena visit or (626) 440-0908.

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