[From photo on ACLU Pasadena/Foothill event poster]
The American Civil Liberties Union Pasadena/Foothill Chapter will host a public forum in Pasadena on Tuesday, March 19, about racial discrimination by police during traffic stops and what the community can do to prevent these from leading to tragic outcomes.
The “Driving While Black” Forum will focus on ending routine traffic stops that disproportionately affect people of color and can lead to violent encounters with police, an ACLU announcement said.
The ACLU said the discussion will underscore efforts to address what they described as ‘systemic racial inequalities in law enforcement practices’ and to promote equitable and just treatment for all members of the community.
According to ACLU data, more than 20 million Americans are stopped by police annually, with people of color facing heightened risks and biases during these encounters.
The forum begins at 7 p.m. in the Orange Grove Friends Meeting Hall, located at 520 E. Orange Grove Blvd. in Pasadena.
Panelists include Lilly Khadjavi, Co-Chair of the California Racial Identity and Profiling Advisory Board’s (RIPA) Stop Data Analysis subcommittee; James Farr, a writer, filmmaker, and host of the podcast The Conversation Live; and Marcus McKenny, Government Affairs Principal for the COMPSTAT for Justice program at The Center for Policing Equity.
There are representatives of law enforcement on the panel.
Publisher Sharon Kyle of LA Progressive is moderating the panel.
The ACLU said the forum will explore alternatives to armed police conducting traffic enforcement and delve into strategies for achieving public safety while addressing racial disparities in law enforcement practices.
Cosponsors of the event include LA Progressive, The National Day Laborers Organizing Network, the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Greater Pasadena, and The League of Women Voters Pasadena Area.
Registration is advised for those interested in attending. To register, go to https://forms.gle/MBg4GJezKcepe3Ae8 and fill out the form.
For more information, email dickprice47@gmail.com or visit www.aclusocal.org/en/chapters/pasadena-chapter.