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Assemblyman Chris Holden and the Prison Bill AB 1065

Published on Thursday, May 16, 2013 | 5:39 pm

Assemblyman Chris Holden said the protection of citizens against mentally disordered offenders and mentally disordered sexual offenders took a step in the right direction when the governor’s May revision of the state budget included language in a trailer bill largely due to his bill modifying prison realignment.

“Assembly Bill 1065 requires individuals released from prison that were previously certified as a mentally disordered offender (MDO) or mentally disordered sexual offender (MDSO) to be subject to state parole supervision instead of post-release community supervision by the county,” said Holden in a news statement.

“The Governor’s administration has changed course and heard our concerns about the MDO/MDSO population and the strain it is causing to cities and counties,” he said. “The Governor has included Assembly Bill 1065 into his budget proposal.”

The assemblyman said individuals who have been certified as an MDO/MDSO represent a substantial danger of physical harm to themselves as well as others.

“I look forward to working with the Governor’s administration to ensure the passage of these policies and am thankful for his willingness to revisit these issues to ensure that our communities are safe,” said Holden in the news statement.

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