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Breaking: Police, City Manager Change Policy on Body Worn-Cameras

Published on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 | 10:51 am

Pasadena Police Chief Phillip Sanchez has issued and implemented changes to Police Policy 450 originally deployed on November 7, 2016 regarding the use of body-worn cameras by the City’s police officers.

Lt. Vasken Gourdikian, police department spokesman, said the changes were made in response to community concerns voiced after the release of the policy in connection with the policy’s possible impact on First Amendment rights, and in connection with the release of body-worn camera video footage for various purposes.

“We went back in and looked at some of the language, and looked at some other best practices that were already out there regarding some of the concerns of the constituents, and we thought we needed to make a couple of changes to appease the constituents,” Gourdikian said.

Gourdikian said the changes will be reflected within the day in the policy posted online at the department’s website, at


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