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Caltech Is Now No. 2 In World University Rankings

Published on Thursday, September 2, 2021 | 6:24 pm

The California Institute of Technology has been ranked second in the 2022 World University Rankings by Times Higher Education (THE), a magazine reporting specifically on news and issues related to higher education.

Topping the list of more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories that were ranked is the University of Oxford in England. Harvard University comes in as third in the rankings.

In the Times’ rankings, Caltech was described as “a world-renowned science and engineering research and education institution, where extraordinary faculty and students seek answers to complex questions, discover new knowledge, lead innovation, and transform the future.”

Caltech has six academic divisions with a strong emphasis in science and technology teaching and research. The university has a competitive admissions process ensuring that only a small number of the most gifted students are admitted.

Caltech has a high research output and alongside many high-quality facilities, both on campus and globally. This includes Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Caltech Seismological Laboratory and the International Observatory Network.

Alumni and faculty members of Caltech have been awarded 39 Nobel Prizes, one Fields Medal, six Turing Awards and 71 United States National Medal of Science or Technology. Four chief scientists of the U.S. Air Force have also attended the institution.

The THE World University Rankings 2022 are the largest and most diverse university rankings to date. The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

THE said the 2022 ranking analysed more than 108 million citations across over 14.4 million research publications and included survey responses from almost 22,000 scholars globally. Overall, THE collected over 430,000 data points from more than 2,100 institutions that submitted data.

To learn more about the Times Higher Education rankings, visit

To learn more about Caltech, visit

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