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City Plans Wave of New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, But Using Them Will Start to Cost You

Pasadena Water and Power plans to collect fees at sites where residents can previously charge for free

Published on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 | 6:42 am

The Pasadena Water and Power is planning to add more electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout the city as more and more people are choosing electric vehicles over gas-powered cars to reduce pollution, conserve energy and save money. 

Speaking to members of the Municipal Services Committee on Tuesday, July 12, Evan Johnson of PWP said grants have been applied for more planned EV charging infrastructures in the city. 

Among the future projects is an expansion of the Marengo Charging Plaza, located at 155 E. Green St. 

“We already have 44 Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) at that location but we have a lot of inquiries about adding level 2 charging,” Johnson said. “We have a bunch of residents in the area as well as businesses that would like to take advantage of long-term charging at that location.” 

DCFC or level 3 chargers make it possible for EV drivers to charge up and add up to 100 miles in less than 30 minutes. Charging from a Level 2 source means the vehicle will be completely charged overnight.

Johnson said 14 level 2 EV chargers are also planned to be installed at fire stations 32, 33 and 36, while a total of 10 level 2 chargers are planned to be installed at the Pasadena Police Department garage. 

A total of 36 DCFC are planned to be put up at Avon Ramp. 

“It would be identified as one of our larger eastside locations right now. Right now we don’t have eastside DCFC locations,” Johnson remarked.

Johnson announced the PWP just finished the installation of four level 2 chargers at Playhouse Park, which is yet to be opened to the public. The installation of a total of 20 more level 2 chargers are being planned at the site. 

Meanwhile, Johnson also said the construction for the two DCFC and 37 level 2 EV charging stations at Del Mar Garage, and the installation of 25 charging stations each for both Robinson Park and Victory Park are about to start.

At the meeting, PWP also announced that the city will soon collect fees at sites where residents can previously charge for free. 

“We do need to start collecting revenue very shortly,” Johnson said.

“The plan as of right now is to roll out a charging fee at the Raymond Garage. We’re going to implement a fee there sometime within the month or next month after we do some testing to make sure it works properly. The plan is to then roll out a fee-based charging at the Arroyo site on Glenarm and by the end of the year to also implement the Marengo for fee-based charging as well.” 

The price would be 15 cents per kilowatt hour except for 20 cents per kilowatt hour between the hours of 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.

“We’re also taking over all of the level 2 charging from DOT by the end of the year and we’re going to start charging as well at some point for level 2 charging in the parking garages as well but we’re going to wait and see how the system works with the level 3 charging first and roll out to level 2 at some point.”

There is a total of 421 charging stations in Pasadena as of July 12, according to Plugshare, To view the locations visit:

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