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Election Day Is Here

Published on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 | 3:00 am

Voters will have their final chance to vote live today and decide on several local matters, including a library bond and several City Charter reform issues. Pasadena Now will cover the Nov. 5 election results on Tuesday evening as the tabulations are released.

Results are expected to start coming in shortly after the polls close at 8 p.m.

This year, voters will decide the fate of Measure PL, a $198 million library bond that would be used for a seismic retrofit of the Pasadena Central Library. Measure PA would establish special elections to fill Council District vacancies if more than two years remain on the unexpired term and establish a 30-day residency requirement in the City for those seeking appointment to the City Council.

Measure PC would establish term limits. Starting in 2026, Councilmembers and the Mayor would be limited to three consecutive four-year terms, 12 years, with a four-year hiatus required before serving additional terms. Term limits would not be retroactive, so current Councilmembers could serve an additional three terms before the mandated pause takes effect. Although it would take effect in 2026, it couldn’t be enforced for another 12 years until 2038.

In local school District races, seats 2, 4, and 6 are on the ballot this year. In Seat 2, incumbent Jennifer Hall Lee faces challenger Juan Carlos Pérez. Lisa Kroese is challenging Tina Fredericks in Seat 6. Scott Harden is running unopposed. Unlike the City Council, the school Board is elected in plurality elections. The person with the most votes wins, and there is no chance of a runoff election.

The School Board has placed two measures on the ballot — Measures R and EE. Supporters of the measures say they will lead to facility upgrades, better technology, and support for teachers. Critics say that the District spends more per student than most California districts but fails to deliver better outcomes.

Two-thirds of the voters must approve Measure EE, the parcel tax that would charge $90 per parcel annually for eight years, generating approximately $5 million each year. Measure R, a $900 million general obligation bond, requires 55% voter approval. Funds from R would also be used to fund a housing project for local teachers.

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