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INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications Announces New Name – Intelecom Learning

Published on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 | 10:41 am

INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, a Pasadena-based producer of digital educational content for post-secondary and adult continuing education, announced today the launch of its new name, Intelecom Learning.

The company, a non-profit corporation established by a joint powers authority of California community colleges, says the name puts the focus back on its core mission.

“The new name is in many ways a return to our founding principles and raison d’etre,” says Dr. Allen Dooley, Chief Executive Officer. “It communicates what the organization is truly about and reflects our commitment both to the colleges we serve and their students.”

The name Intelecom Learning highlights the company’s ongoing mission of providing innovation in the development of technology-driven products and services that improve student learning outcomes. In addition to new initiatives in the areas of continuing education and student veterans, the company will continue to emphasize its award-winning video on demand database, the INTELECOM Online Resources Network.”

The corporation will still operate as INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications Inc., but do business as Intelecom Learning beginning March 2016.

About INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications

INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation, is a leading developer of curriculum-aligned courseware for online and classroom-based learning. Since 1970, the corporation has worked to bring instructional design, content development and educational technology together to offer teachers and students alike a range of learning solutions and tools for undergraduate, career and adult learning.

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