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New Hubbard Library Exhibit: Early Scholarship at Fuller

Published on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 | 12:05 pm

Fuller’s David Allan Hubbard Library has staged a new exhibit in its lobby focusing on “Early Scholarship at Fuller.”The exhibit highlights the contributions of Fuller Seminary’s first generation of faculty members-which included professors Wilbur Moorehead Smith, Everett Falconer Harrison, Carl F. Henry, Edward John Carnell, Geoffrey H. Bromiley, and Rebecca Russell Price, in addition to others.

These scholars made significant contributions to the field of biblical and theological study, including seminal translations and the production of key theological treatises, dictionaries, bibliographies, and Christian education curricula.

The exhibit, which offers a look into some of these contributions, will be on display through October 15. It is free and open to the public. Read more here.

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