Pasadena Accessibility & Disability Commission elected Commissioner James Farr as Chair.
Farr is the District 3 representative appointed by Council Member John K. Kennedy.
Kennedy sad “Almost all of my appointees are told in the interview process, among other things, that I expect their leadership to take him or her to the chair position of their respective body.
Most of my appointees have assumed the lofty leadership role while staying grounded. James Farr has been an able and accomplished student. He has now received the support of his peers to become Chair of the City of Pasadena’s Access & Disability Commission. I say, bravo! It is Mr. Farr’s role now to lead us to a better place.”
Farr is an alumni of Leadership Pasadena and has resided in Pasadena for nearly two decades.
“As a person living with a disability, I know first hand the many challenges the disabled community face daily navigating our City. These challenges are now exacerbated as a result of the COVID pandemic.”
“Our Commission is committed to making Pasadena a model city accessible to all.”