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Pasadena Police Awarded Grant from the Office of Traffic Safety for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program

Published on Thursday, October 20, 2022 | 6:26 am

The Pasadena Police Department received a $36,514.00 grant from  the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) that will fund activities emphasizing the safety  of bicyclists and pedestrians. 

“This grant award will help us achieve our goal of making the streets of Pasadena safer  for pedestrians and bicyclists,” Pasadena Police Department Lieutenant Anthony Russo  said.  

“Every bicyclist and pedestrian should feel safe on the road,” OTS Director Barbara  Rooney said. “Education is one of many important tools that collectively work to make  sure everyone, regardless of how they travel, reaches their destination safely.” 

Grant funds will support a variety of activities focused on bicycle and pedestrian safety:  Bicycle training courses that educate youth on safe riding behaviors. Helmet fitting inspections and distribution of helmets to those in need. Community and school education presentations. 

  • Pop-up events that promote the importance of visibility on roads with safety  equipment such as reflective armbands/leg bands and bicycle headlights/taillights. Traffic Safety Fairs and/or Community Events  
  • Work closely with community-based organizations at both the neighborhood and  community level with an effort to reach individuals.  
  • Participate in the following campaigns: National Walk to School Day, National  Bicycle Safety Month, California’s Pedestrian Safety Month and National  Pedestrian Safety Month.  
  • Ped/Bike Safety Presentations  
  • Ped/Bike Safety Skills Courses  
  • Walking School Buses  
  • Walking Field Trips  
  • Community Outreach Events  
  • Helmet Usage Surveys  
  • Distribute pedestrian/bicycle safety items at no cost to youth or community  members in need, during bicycle rodeos, presentations, workshops, trainings, and  community events to increase safety and visibility.  
  • Distribute crossing guard safety kits at no cost to schools.  
  • Participate in Safe Routes to School coalition meetings 

The grant program will run through September 2023. 

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic  Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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