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Pasadena Police, City Officials Reach Out to Homeless

Published on Thursday, October 17, 2013 | 5:00 am

Pasadena Police Department and Pasadena city officials conducted an operation to provide service to collect discarded property from abandoned encampments.

The Quality of Life and Homeless Outreach program focused on the Central and Eastern Pasadena, after it completed an operation in Western Pasadena earlier this month.

A homeless encampment visited by Pasadena police during an outreach and enforcem,ent campaign conducted Wedesday, Oct. 16, 2013. (Photo: Pasadena Police Department)
A homeless encampment visited by Pasadena police during an outreach and enforcement campaign conducted Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013. (Photo: Pasadena Police Department)

Among the encampments that the officials were able to clear out are a Verizon-owned land along the 400 block of North Rosemead Boulevard, a land at Meridith Avenue and Walnut Street, one at at Kinneloa Avenue and Walnut Street and another at Nina Street and Sunnyslope Avenue, Lt. Tom Delgado told Pasadena Star-News.

The police department coordinated with city pubic works employees and park safety specialists to reach out to the homeless and to convince them to avail themselves of available services.

The officials handed 25 information pamphlets on available resources, acquired abandoned shopping carts, charged four persons for possession of shopping carts, and removed four encampments during the recent operation, Delgado told the Star-News. The police also cleared 21 locations for homeless activity and conducted 18 field interviews.

The police also cited four people for walking into the roadway, another four were arrested on misdemeanor warrants, while one was cited for trespassing, Delgado told the newspaper.

Another similar outreach operation is expected soon in the northwest portion of the city.



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