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Pasadena Public Library Joins Urban Libraries Council’s Call to Action on Democracy in Public Libraries

Published on Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 5:25 pm

The Pasadena Public Library has joined more than 70 library systems in North America in signing on to the Urban Libraries Council’s Declaration of Democracy.

Acting Library Director Tim McDonald said in a May 11 memo to City Manager Miguel Márquez that the declaration outlines a set of principles that libraries can adopt to support democracy, including ensuring that all people have access to information and resources, promoting civic engagement and participation, protecting the free flow of information and ideas, and opposing censorship and discrimination.

“Since its inception, the Pasadena Public Library has been a welcoming space for all that celebrates differing points of view while making programs and services accessible to all,” said Acting Library Director Tim McDonald. “By signing on to the Declaration of Democracy, we are reaffirming our commitment to the principles of democracy and equal access to information.”

The City of Pasadena Library Commission moved to support Acting Library Director Tim McDonald in signing on to the Declaration of Democracy at their April 19 meeting at Hill Avenue Branch Library.

The Pasadena Public Library is one of the oldest and largest public libraries in Southern California. It serves a diverse population of over 150,000 people. The library offers a wide range of services, including books, magazines, and other materials; computers and internet access; free Wi-Fi; educational programs for children and adults; storytimes; homework help; and more.

The library is also a vital community resource. It provides a safe and welcoming space for people of all ages to gather, learn, and connect with each other.

The library’s decision to sign on to the declaration comes at a time when many agree that democracy is under threat around the world. In the United States, there have been increasing attacks on the free press and a rise in political violence. In other countries, democracies are being undermined by authoritarian leaders who are seeking to consolidate their power.

Libraries play a vital role in defending democracy. They provide access to information and resources that are essential for citizens to make informed decisions about their government. They also promote civic engagement and participation, and they help to create a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity.

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