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Police Release Video of Pepper Spray, Tasing Incident Following Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting

Tense crowd gathered in nearby park after incident

Published on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 | 5:08 am

Body-worn camera video footage supplied by the Pasadena Police Department. WARNING: Contains profanity and brief visibility of man being tasered. The tasering incident occurs at about 21 minutes into the video.

[UPDATED] Pasadena Police Chief John Perez on Monday released body-worn camera footage of a tense situation occurring in La Pintoresca Park following Saturday’s fatal officer-involved shooting.

Anthony McClain, 32, was killed by police following a traffic stop at the corner of North Raymond Avenue and Grandview Street, near the park.

Perez said McClain was running with a gun and shifted his body in the direction of pursuing officers right before they opened fire. Perez said one officer fired twice, with one bullet hitting McClain on the flank of his upper body.

However, Perez did not show recorded images of the shooting itself. He said he would release that footage sometime this week. 

After news of the shooting surfaced, rumors swirled, with some claiming McClain was unarmed and was shot in the back three times.

A grieving and angry crowd gathered in the park and confronted the officers who Perez said were there to protect the nearby crime scene on Raymond Avenue.

“They kind of stormed up in a line, surrounding us instead of staying in the street,” said Nafissa Kaba. “Somebody had just died. It’s normal for people to be aggressive. They were nonchalant about it like they did not care.”

The tense situation took a turn for the worse when several people began approaching and threatening officers.

In the video footage shown by Perez, one man can be seen walking up to police officers and pounding his fist into his open palm.

After he appeared to approach an officer and allegedly threaten to knock him out, a nearby sergeant deployed his Taser weapon and shot the man with two electrically charged darts, knocking him to the ground. Police then arrested the man, identified as Tryon Glover, 27.  

After Glover collapsed to the ground, the crowd surged forward and police officers used pepper spray to keep people at a distance.

Pepper spray is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes, causing a burning sensation. It can cause temporary blindness by dilating the eyes’ capillaries. It also inflames mucus membranes.

Kaba’s 11-year- old son was exposed to the chemical, either directly or by running through the mist.

Kaba allegedly later sprayed the officer with her own pepper spray. She was not arrested.

“I felt like they didn’t need to spray in the crowd. I’m trying to teach my son you have to think bigger and better,” Kaba said. “Now he’s looking at it differently, like, are they going to shoot me too?”

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2 thoughts on “Police Release Video of Pepper Spray, Tasing Incident Following Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting

  • I have many friends that are black to see the conduct of those protesting is disgraceful. The language they were using was horrible and feel sorry for their kid’s to see and hear their parents act like this. You are human beings not animals.

  • I am glad you showed the whole tape and not just part of it, I think the police did a great job, they were not reacting to all the things that the protesters were saying to them, the guy that got tasered did go over the line and push the cop, so did not see any unlawful police force, and the lady that was saying you peppered sprayed my child , what was your 11 year old child out there in the first place? That child should have been at home.








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