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Pomeroy Assumes Leadership of PUSD Board of Education

Michelle Richardson Bailey appointed vice-president; Kenne to serve as clerk; Dr. McDonald as secretary

Published on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 | 5:51 am

Longtime Pasadena Unified Board member Dr. Elizabeth Pomeroy was unanimously approved as president of the PUSD Board of Education Monday during the board’s bi-annual Organizational Meeting. Pomeroy replaces Scott Phelps in that role.

Michelle Richardson Bailey was selected as vice-president of the Board, while Kimberly Kenne was appointed as clerk. PUSD Superintendent Dr. Brian McDonald will serve as board secretary.

The PUSD organizational meeting has been held in May and December since 2015, to select the officers to lead the board for the coming school year.

The PUSD board also named their 2022 dates for their monthly Thursday meetings, beginning with January 27, 2022, and ending with January 26, 2023. Meetings will be held at 4:30 p.m.

Along with the meeting calendar, the Board approved its official Governance Calendar.

Several Board members were selected to various additional positions: Tina Fredericks was selected as annual representative to the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association, while Dr. Pomeroy was selected as the voting representative to Elect Members to the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization. Patrick Cahalan and Michelle Richardson Bailey were also selected as delegates to the Five-Star Coalition, an alliance of school board members and superintendents from the Burbank, Glendale, La Cañada, Pasadena and South Pasadena unified school districts.

Board members Jennifer Hall Lee and Dr. Pomeroy were both chosen as Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) liaisons.

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