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Sierra Madre Episcopal Church of the Ascension Outreach Opportunities

Published on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 | 3:52 pm

The Bad Weather Shelter needs donations of socks, underwear, and rain ponchos for their clients. There’s a separate basket in the parish hall for church members’ donations. The church expresses its gratitude to those who made regular donations to the food pantry.

For those who have a a spare hour during the school day just one day a week, would you consider helping a child? Reading Partners works with children in the Pasadena public schools who are struggling with reading. The program provides all teaching materials and trains tutors; all you have to do is show up. Being a reading partner is an ongoing opportunity  throughout the school year. If you’re interested, please call or email Carol Rasmussen at (626) 355-5135 or or visit

After Christmas, the church will post a signup sheet for Ascension’s evenings to serve dinner at the Bad Weather Shelter on January 31 and February 26.

Church of the Ascension, Sierra Madre’s Village Church, 25 East Laurel Avenue, Sierra Madre, (626) 355-1133 or visit

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