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Design Commission Encounters Gap in Parking Structure Oversight

Standalone parking facilities currently bypass design review regardless of size, prompting calls for code reform

Published on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | 5:35 am

Pasadena’s Design Commissioners uncovered what may be an oversight gap in the City’s development review process during their Tuesday meeting study session, learning that standalone parking structures are exempt from Design Commission review regardless of their size or community impact. 

The revelation came as part of a broader examination of proposed updates to the City’s design review procedures, driven by both the City’s 2021-2029 Housing Element commitments and state legislation, particularly Senate Bill No. 330. 

“So the way that the code is written, … the design review thresholds are based on gross floor area… Any space that’s used exclusively for parking is not included in gross floor area,” explained Kevin Johnson, Principal Planner for the City. “That is something that we are considering changing as part of the ordinance update.” 

The issue emerged when Commissioner Philip Chiao questioned why a City maintenance yard’s garage portion wasn’t subject to Commission review while noting that the East Pasadena Panda Inn project’s parking structure did receive review because it included commercial space.

Johnson explained that current regulations only require design review for parking structures that include other uses, like ground-floor retail. 

“The code specifies what requires review. There’s no discretion on that at this point. But if the code changes, then that would be subject to your review,” Johnson told the Design Commissioners. 

The proposed updates represent the first major revision to Pasadena’s three-step design review process — Preliminary Consultation, Concept Design Review, and Final Design Review — since 2009. 

Key changes include increasing the threshold for multifamily project review to 20 units outside the Central District, streamlining review for projects with 50% or more affordable units, revising sign review requirements, and modifying major rehabilitation thresholds. 

The Planning Commission, which previously reviewed these recommendations in an October 23 study session, has already expressed general support while emphasizing the need for earlier public notification about projects. The Commission is expected to conduct a formal review of the proposed amendments in winter 2025, followed by City Council consideration in spring 2025. 

The changes aim to streamline the development review process while maintaining architectural quality and community character, addressing both local housing goals and state mandates to reduce project review timelines.

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