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Moving Past Fear to Healing: A Talk on Christian Science

Published on Friday, November 18, 2022 | 8:32 am

Lisa Troseth, C.S.B. will speak on Sunday, November 20 about moving past fear into healing in a free inspirational talk on a truer sense of God’s all-defining love.

Fear can be overcome and even healed in our lives by discovering the strong connection and relationship we have to something bigger than ourselves—God. By learning to lean and rely on this greater, higher good, we can feel moved to love beyond ourselves—and this frees us from fear and so much more,” she explains.

Troseth is a Christian Science Practitioner, Teacher and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

“Fear can seem inevitable – part of who we are. But understanding God’s all-embracing love can overcome fear, reveal peace, and move life forward,” Troseih says.

Christian Science has shown me how letting a truer sense of God’s all-defining love govern how we interact and genuinely care for each other actually leads the way to useful ideas and purposeful action, and improves society as a whole. Since my twenties, I’ve seen how these views have led me, and others, in a variety of fruitful endeavors that bring genuine healing where it’s needed most.”

The speaking event will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 20 at the First Church of Christ, Pasadena and Altadena, at 80 Oakland Ave. in Pasadena. To view the lecture live online visit for the link. For more information call (626) 793-5151.

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