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Authorities Identity Pasadena’s Most Dangerous Intersections in March

Published on Monday, May 1, 2023 | 12:05 pm
Fair Oak sand Corson St via Google maps

A Pasadena Police Department representative will present March city intersection collision statistics identifying those with the highest collision rates to a City commission on Tuesday.

Lt. Carlo Montiglio will go before the Human Relations Commission at 6:30 p.m. at the Jackie Robinson Community Center, 1020 North Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena.

According to the report Montiglio will deliver, the following Pasadena intersections experienced the highest number of vehicle collisions in March:

• Fair Oaks Ave. and Corson St.: 4 collisions reported
• Fair Oaks Ave. and Orange Grove Blvd.: 4 collisions reported
• Lake Ave. and Boylston St.: 4 collisions reported

The report also identified the top three primary crash factors, which were determined to be unsafe speed (29.9%), improper turning (24.1%), and traffic signals and signs (14.9%).

The most recent figures from the California Office of Traffic and Safety about Pasadena are from 2020, when the city experienced 647 fatal and injury collisions.

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2 thoughts on “Authorities Identity Pasadena’s Most Dangerous Intersections in March

  • I call it beat the light. The intersection going North from Woodbury to Montana down the Lincoln Ave Corridor is a death trap. I have lived in this area for over 20 years and driver’s don’t slow down. The timing mechanism is off centered and most people traveling either west from Montana or North on Lincoln will use impossible speeds to beat the light to get to their destination. Unfortunately it has caused multiple accidents in this area especially at Lincoln and Montana. No one pays attention to the speed laws even when posted, something has to be done about this before a fatality happens.

  • No surprises here…. Boyleston was first recommened for a stop light to control traffic movements in “fast food hell” on North Lake nearly 30 years ago…. So when is this data on traffic accidents going to be presented to the Transportaton Advisory Commission? Does the TAC even bother to review these kinds of issues and make recommendations on solutions back to the City Council anymore? Or is the TAC just a rubber stamp for whatever staff tells them they want them to do?



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