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Popular Local Shopping Center Changes Ownership

Published on Saturday, February 14, 2015 | 7:34 am

Lincoln Crossing, the shopping center on Lincoln Avenue just north of Woodbury Road in Altadena which is home to the Super King Market, is changing ownership hands.

The 43,108-square-foot shopping center has been sold to an unnamed private family trust for an undisclosed amount, according to RE Business Online. The building was built in 2006; it is just north of Pasadena city limits.

Tenants in the fully leased  43,108-square-foot shopping center include 24 Hour Fitness, Panda Express, Bank of America, and Subway.

Altadena Point notes “the long-in-planning shopping center has a complex ownership structure and has suffered from construction problems in the past, including inadequate sewers.”

The trust was represented by Martin Agnew and Jessica Kelley of Marcus & Millichap’s Encino office; the transaction’s financing was arranged by Sharone Sabar of MMCC’s Encino office.






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