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Popular Old Pasadena Bar, Restaurant and Live Music Venue “Der Wolfskopf” Faces Possible Loss of Permit

The city’s hearing officer will determine if the location’s Conditional Use Permit will be revoked over alleged violations

Published on Saturday, November 27, 2021 | 3:32 pm

The city’s hearing officer will on Wednesday consider the revocation of the Conditional Use Permit for Der Wolfskopf, a popular, self-described “restobar” at 72 N. Fair Oaks Avenue in Old Pasadena, over alleged violations of its use permit and problems related to alcohol sales — including two service calls this year to police to break up large fights past the proscribed closing time.

Both police and city Code Compliance Division officers allege the business has violated a number of the terms set forth by the location’s Conditional Use Permit.

Under the conditions of the CUP, the establishment should operate from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 a.m., seven days a week. It must stop selling alcoholic beverages at 1 a.m.

But on May 16, 2020, June 27, 2020, July 4, 2020, and September 4, 2021, both police and code compliance officers allegedly observed that alcohol sales were being conducted after 1:00 a.m. and that Der Wolfskopf was operating beyond 1:30 a.m.

Complaints received by the city from members of the public have reportedly indicated that at times Der Wolfskopf has operated until 5:00 a.m., according to city sources.

City staff also allegedly found that food service was not available during required hours at times, security was not provided as mandated, and music was played beyond the time period permitted, all in violation of the CUP’s condition.

On May 3, the Pasadena police responded to a fight in progress at Der Wolfskopf at approximately 3:07 a.m. 10 employees were on the premises after the required closing, according to a city document.

Police were again called to the business on July 17 at 2:01 a.m. to break up a brawl by about 20 people. Three arrests were made during that incident, according to the city.

The facility’s Conditional Use Permit allows the sale of alcoholic beverages, live entertainment, and commercial entertainment, in conjunction with the operation of a restaurant use.

It was originally approved by the city hearing officer in August 1993, and subsequently modified by the Board of Zoning Appeals in September 2001 and March 2002 due to violations of conditions of approval and problems related to alcohol sales by a prior operator, McMurphy’s Restaurant & Tavern.

Because of the above-mentioned violations committed by the operator, the Zoning Administrator determined that use allowed by the CUP has become detrimental to public health and safety and the operation of the establishment is creating a public nuisance, thus city staff is recommending the revocation of the same.

The revocation hearing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 1 at 5:30 p.m.

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One thought on “Popular Old Pasadena Bar, Restaurant and Live Music Venue “Der Wolfskopf” Faces Possible Loss of Permit

  • Great! It’s about time. As a local resident who has called the police on Der Wolf due to loud music dozens and dozens of times, I’m thrilled that something is finally being done about this ongoing public nuisance.








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