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In-N-Out Burger Plans New Restaurant on Colorado Boulevard

Published on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 | 5:48 am

The City Council on Monday heard a proposal by In-N-Out Burger to open a new 3,879 square-foot restaurant with drive-through service and an outdoor dining area at the site of the former Cameron’s Seafood, at 1978 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.

During the Predevelopment Plan Review (PPR) of the proposed restaurant on Monday, lawyer Scott Jenkins presented a brief overview of the project before the City Council on behalf of the applicant.

The purpose of the PPR is to provide applicants early consultation with City staff to familiarize the applicants with procedures that apply to the project, and to brief Councilmembers.

Jenkins told the Council that the project is seen to reduce the demand and traffic queuing up on Foothill Boulevard where the other In-N-Out Burger is located.

Under the applicant’s proposal, the one-story restaurant will offer ancillary outdoor dining areas, 45 parking spaces and 29 drive-through lane queuing spaces in the proposed site.

According to Jenkins, the In-N-Out company opens only about four or five restaurants in the Western parts of the United States every year.

“As you probably are aware, there is high demand among cities to get a new In-N-Out restaurant.”

“It’s a good effort to consider an In-N-Out Burger. A lot of us are fans of In-N-Out. They have a good product and we think it will be nice to have another one in Pasadena,” Jenkins told the City Council.

Courtesy of City of Pasadena

During the meeting, Katherine Moran, City Associate Planner, who presented the PPR before the Council, said the In-N-Out Burger should submit all necessary zoning requirements and a conditional use permit to establish a drive-through business.

A variance to deviate from the requirement that a fast food drive-through should be separated from another fast food drive-through by 500 feet is also required to be submitted by the company, among others, according to Moran, as the proposed project is located approximately 100 feet south of a Taco Bell, which is located at 1953 East Colorado Boulevard.

According to Moran, the proposed construction of In-N-Out Burger in Pasadena has been determined by the City’s Planning Director to be of “major importance to the City” and said the project “meets the qualification of community-wide significance.”

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10 thoughts on “In-N-Out Burger Plans New Restaurant on Colorado Boulevard

  • I raise an objection to drive-through service. In this age of demonstrable global heating, I think a prefered alternative is for the In-n-Out corporation board of directors to announce that drive-through service at their restaurants will be phased out on a near-tearm, timely schedule. That almost certainly will not happen. Nor will my neighbors wake up to the fact that drive-through dining is morally questionable.

  • While I appreciate the popularity of In-n-Out restaurants, unless they provide some guarantees that drive-through traffic won’t spill over into Colorado Blvd., I think the restaurant will need to redesign or move their site. Yes, 29 parking stalls for drive-through customers are generous, but the popularity of In-n-Out tends to outstrip the capacity of the sites they construct.

  • I am all for another In N Out restaurant. It’s still will be walking distance from my house. A little bit farther than the one on Foothill Blvd, but I am sure that I will be able to walk to both of them. I am all for it. And more outdoor seating. That will be great. Yeah, we could use In N Out there. I rather have In N Out than another Drive Through Starbucks on Foothill Blvd and Sierra Madre Villa Blvd which will bring massive congestion to that area because of traffic, close to the freeway, fire department, accident congestion, new businesses coming in the area, especially during rush hour. I am totally against a Drive Through Starbucks on Foothill Blvd and Sierra Madre Villa.

  • I object to this location, traffic will spill out on to Colorado and Greenwood. In-N-Out is that popular and its short sighted to think that this will in any way lessen traffic on Foothill. On top of In-N-Out traffic the planned Car wash just a block east goes through that section of Colorado, Greenwood , Berkeley and San Marino will be a nightmare. I like In-N-Out and though of being able to walk up the street is nice but not nice enough to live with the traffic nightmare it will bring.

  • No to drive through. Idling cars spewing pollutants and greenhouse gas need not be encouraged. Should not even be legal. Doesn’t anyone pay attention to science and quality of life.

  • About time, all these old timers thinking people who eat burgers care about climate and emissions, lol get over yourselves, build it and get more jobs to pasadena residents.

  • We had lived in this neighborhood for 43 years.We object to the construction of In-N Out restaurant at he site of former Cameron’s Restaurant .Reasons:
    Idling cars polluting the environment ,constant smell of fried meat, traffic nightmare on Greenwood Ave, Berkeley Ave and Colorado Blvd, They are open until 1 AM, calling numbers on loud speaker and last, but not least, are you taking in consideration the residents of the apartment building next to the property ?, they have lived there for many years, paying taxes to the city and state
    Definitely NO to In -N- Out on Colorado Blvd

  • We object to the construction of In-N-Out restaurant at he site of former Cameron’s Restaurant
    Reasons, to mention a few:
    Idling cars polluting the environment
    Traffic nightmare on Greenwood Ave, Berkeley Ave and Colorado Blvd
    Constant smell of fried meat
    They are open until 1 AM, calling numbers on the loud speaker
    Last, but not least; Have you taken in consideration the residents of the apartment building next to their parking lot who have lived there for 25 + years, paying taxes to the city and state ? That is lack of respect and consideration to those residents
    Definitely. NO, to In-N-Out on Colorado Blvd



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