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Pasadena Planning Commission to Hold Study Session on Fair Oaks Orange Grove Plan

Session aims to gather public input on neighborhood revitalization effort

Published on Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 6:23 am

The Pasadena Planning Commission will hold a study session on March 12 to review updates to the Fair Oaks Orange Grove Specific Plan (FOOG). The session will provide Commissioners and community members an opportunity to comment on the plan area, vision, and subarea concepts for this Northwest Pasadena neighborhood.

The FOOG Specific Plan is designed to “enhance the quality of life in the Fair Oaks/Orange Grove community by creating a pedestrian- and transit-oriented environment that supports both businesses and residential uses,” according to the announcement.

“Feedback received will inform the preparation of the draft Specific Plan to be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration at a future date,” the notice states. No decisions will be made at this preliminary session.

The plan encompasses approximately 171 acres within Northwest Pasadena, divided into three distinct districts: La Pintoresca Neighborhood Corridor District, which focuses on residential and neighborhood-serving uses; Robinson Park District, emphasizing recreational activities and light industrial uses; and Renaissance Commercial District, aiming to enhance commercial activities and mixed-use developments.

The primary goal is to revitalize this vital area by reestablishing it as a lively focal point in the city through thoughtful planning and urban design concepts.

Key objectives include economic revitalization by encouraging actions that “visually and physically unify the area, remove planning and zoning barriers to new businesses, and support household-based entrepreneurial endeavors.”

The plan also promotes balanced mixed-use development with retail, residential, and employment opportunities within walking distance of one another. As the document notes, the plan aims to “stabilize neighborhoods with affordable housing options and provide for the adaptive reuse of existing residential and commercial buildings to emphasize the historic uniqueness of Fair Oaks/Orange Grove, fostering a greater sense of community.”

Another key objective involves “flexibility and incentives: incorporate built-in flexibility and performance standards into the plan, along with expanded incentives for investment and development.”

Fair Oaks Avenue has historical significance in Pasadena, having been a central corridor since 1874 and becoming the heart of Pasadena’s African American community from the 1930s onward. The FOOG Specific Plan acknowledges this rich heritage while guiding future development.

Public participation is strongly encouraged. Community members can submit correspondence to prior to the meeting or provide live comments during the session. The meeting agenda with instructions for live public comment will be posted by March 7 on the Planning Commission webpage.

The study session will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, Room S249, at 100 N. Garfield Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101.

For additional information, residents can contact Ani Garibyan, Planner, at (626) 744-6743 or, or the Planning & Community Development Department at (626) 744-4009. Updates can also be found at

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