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Police Say Alleged Shooter in Cooper Murder Case May be Linked to Other Shootings

Published on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 | 5:46 am

Police are looking into two additional shootings they say may involve a man accused of two shootings in Washington Park.

Pasadena resident Aaron Miguel Conell stands accused of a pair of gun attacks and putting a gun to a third person’s head at a local gas station.

“We’re pursuing or looking into two additional cases that occurred here in Pasadena, both of which involve shootings,” said Pasadena Police Lieutenant Keith Gomez at a press conference last week. 

According to Gomez, the Department is waiting for evidence from the crime lab.

Police said when Conell was arrested he was walking back to a vehicle they allege was involved in not only the homicide of Mickey Cooper but other shootings that have occurred in Pasadena. 

“As he made his way back to the car, the U.S. Marshals used an arrest tactic … and they took him into custody. He was compliant, did not resist. The arrest occurred without incident. But I will say that the firearm that we recovered was a loaded semi-automatic firearm and it was in the vehicle at the time of his arrest,” said Gomez. 

According to police, Conell’s only other previous arrest is a misdemeanor conviction and there is nothing in his criminal history that would indicate that he’s prone to violence or has violent tendencies.

Conell, 24, of Pasadena, is accused of killing Mickey Cooper, 64, at Washington Park on Nov. 18.

 Mickey Cooper was found at 4 a.m. suffering from gunshot wounds after Pasadena police responded to a ShotSpotter gunshot detection alert in the 700 block of East Washington Boulevard, between Lake and El Molino Avenues. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

His brother, Michael, was among the NBA’s best defenders  during the Lakers’ “Showtime ” championship era in the 1980s. 

Although that crime has garnered national media attention, Conell also faces charges for two other crimes. 

Conell is charged with one count of attempted murder involving an alleged attack just after 2 a.m. on Oct. 29.

In that crime, Conell is accused of shooting a man in the neck at Washington Park with a semi-automatic firearm.

Just one week later, Conell allegedly again aimed his weapon at a man at a Pasadena gas station. According to reports Conell has also been charged with one count of assault with a semiautomatic firearm for allegedly walking up to a car and pointing a gun at a man seated in the driver’s seat just before 9:30 p.m. Nov. 5, at a Pasadena gas station on Washington Boulevard near Catalina Avenue.

In that incident, Connell exited a vehicle and approached the driver of another vehicle and put a firearm to his head. There were no shots fired during that incident.

According to Gomez, so far police have not discovered a motive in the crimes. 

“I hope they punish him to the fullest extent of the law. I’ve been doing homicide a long time, almost 17 years, and usually — not in all cases, but usually  — there’s a motive, whether it’s gang-related, whether robbery’s a motive or some type of theft, emotions if it’s a family disturbance,” Gomez said. 

“But in this case, we found none of those. And so one can simply deduce that if there’s no other motive explaining why you’re driving around this city shooting people and killing people, the only thing that I can deduce is that you’re just diabolically evil. There’s nothing else to explain that. So that’s the conclusion that we’ve come up with so far.”

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