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We Get Letters | Old Pasadena Business Owner to City: Leave Our Parking Alone

Old Pasadena business owner Teddy Bedjakian sent this letter to his District Councilmember after reading of a City proposal that could further regulate the parking and standing of vehicles in alleys

Published on Thursday, October 10, 2024 | 6:27 am

Dear Council Member Steve Madison,

I am reaching out as a long-standing business owner in Old Pasadena since 1996. Over the years, I have witnessed a series of troubling decisions by the City of Pasadena regarding parking policies, which seem to continuously target and disrupt the stability of our business community.

I recently read the article in Pasadena Now regarding yet another discussion about alley parking regulations. This is not the first time we are forced to defend our ability to operate our businesses efficiently. Whether it was the debate over removing the 90-minute free parking in city structures, adjusting street meter hours, or reducing free parking availability before 11 a.m., these conversations have become a constant, exhausting cycle that never leads to a satisfactory resolution.

Now I hear that Pasadena’s Director of Transportation, Joaquin Siques, has informed Committee Members that there’s a “problem” with parking in the alleys? Mr. Madison, we fought tirelessly to have 20-minute parking in the alleys for loading and unloading, which is critical for businesses. These changes impact not just small business owners like myself but also the major tax revenue contributors in Pasadena like The Cheesecake Factory and the Apple Store. Their deliveries cannot simply park on the street—especially with security details involved. Even Crate & Barrel utilizes alley access for their large deliveries.

To make matters worse, I frequently have to move my own car from our private alley to accommodate four different trash collection companies that service this area. How can anyone who isn’t present every day understand the logistical challenges we face? It’s insulting that the City continually moves the goalposts based on limited, out-of-touch perspectives. Is the ticketing department not satisfied with the revenue from the numerous citations they issue?

We are living through a time where businesses are closing down, rents are at an all-time high, and office spaces remain empty. Is this really the right time to enforce more restrictions? Is the City’s only concern how to install new signs to issue even more tickets? Why aren’t council members asking their districts why people are choosing not to visit Old Pasadena? I can tell you, it’s because of the parking and the fear of getting a ticket.

It’s disheartening to see Pasadena fall behind other cities like Glendale, which have become more business-friendly while we struggle under excessive restrictions. I remember when Pasadena was the leader and our neighboring cities looked up to us. Now, it feels like the City is hungry for revenue, making short-sighted decisions that harm the very businesses that contribute to its prosperity.

I have no issue with moving Uber and food delivery services into parking structures, but why can’t I, as a business owner, pull up to my own establishment to unload supplies? Why should Whimsy, the event hall next door, have to struggle when their vendors drop off decorations? These regulations don’t make sense because they’re made by people who sit behind desks and prioritize appearances over practicality.

Enough is enough. Stop changing the parking rules without consulting the people directly impacted. If it wasn’t for Pasadena Now, we business owners wouldn’t even have known this conversation was happening. Please, seek input from us before making decisions that disrupt our daily operations and endanger the survival of our businesses.

I urge you to consider the real-life impact these decisions have on those of us who keep Old Pasadena vibrant and alive.


Teddy Bedjakian
Executive Officer / Founder
Plummer / Dishwasher

Got something to say, email Managing Editor André Coleman, at

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